Today I was backing up some Kodak PhotoCD’s (remember those?) which (activity) started a trip down memory lane. During the second part of the nineties I liked to photograph as well, using a Contax RTS III with Carl Zeiss optics (50 mm and 21 mm). Mostly documenting my life as a music student and looking for love (as one does, at that age). Little did I know about photography as an art form. I sold a couple of photographs, but was not taken under somebody’s wing (nor did I have a clue about any of that) so when I started working as a programmer in 2000 I sold the Contax and went without taking any photograph for several years (cell phones didn’t have built-in cameras back then…).
I had some slides and reversal film scanned by Kodak right about that time and it dawned on me that those PhotoCD’s do not live forever, so better backup the files in my regular archive system (two seperate harddisks: one on site, one off site). Here are some episodes from my trip: