Why you maybe should consider hiring a pro to shoot images for your website, if the impression you leave on your visitors is important to you. Or how to shoot yourself.
Category: Shoot
Karate photoshoot
March 31, 2019Shooting karateka Yassine Yassar was a fun job. Includes lighting diagram, video of the shoot, and the final photographs. Are they any good?
Portrait photography
November 19, 2017Some cool portraits I got to shoot the past year. And a short introduction on how I go about shooting a portrait. Spoiler: it takes time.
Pentax 645D tethered shooting
February 5, 2017Can you shoot tethered with a Pentax 645D? Yes you can. How? Check out this post and the featured video. What are the downsides?
[safe] (1995)
June 16, 2016Gregory Crewdson cited the movie [safe](1995) as an inspiration for his photography. So I decided to see it (twice) and run with it.
Running through a forest
May 25, 2016One of the better installments of my series ‘Human males in contemporary society’, inspired by the movie ‘Under the skin’. Including behind the scenes.
Photoshoot Bertoo kid’s fashion
March 16, 2016Weirdly enough, I was not the principal photographer of this shoot. Maybe it was more fun shooting the behind the scenes anyway.
Photography consultancy
November 25, 2015OMG I was at a shoot but I was not holding the camera nor filming any behind the scenes stuff. What was I doing there? Mentoring??
A fish, a chicken and some caviar
November 15, 2015Pretty consistent shoot for a cooking magazine / catalog that I am still proud of. The title refers to the subjects we used to create ambiance.