What I learned from the first few months at the Fotoacademie about myself and my photography. But mostly about myself.
Author: Joeri van Veen
Altijd is Kortjakje ziek
January 16, 2016Series shot in Naarden Vesting inspired by the Dutch children’s song ‘Altijd is Kortjakje ziek’ about a prostitute.
Phys ed nostalgia
January 9, 2016Photographing the abstract subject of ‘Nostalgia’ in a phys ed studio. With or without the added explanation, do you think I succeeded?
SWPA 2016
January 7, 2016Entered one of my best series ‘Speed of time’ in this prestigious awards show. Did not get noticed, but you can judge the photos for yourself here.
Secret garden
December 31, 2015Short black and white series (vintage prints available) about dreams and expectations. Shot in a crummy park behind my parents’ home.
Best photograph of 2015
December 26, 2015Pretty cool photographs from before the Fotoacademie ruined my ability to shoot something. Even though I did not realise it then.
Photography consultancy
November 25, 2015OMG I was at a shoot but I was not holding the camera nor filming any behind the scenes stuff. What was I doing there? Mentoring??
A fish, a chicken and some caviar
November 15, 2015Pretty consistent shoot for a cooking magazine / catalog that I am still proud of. The title refers to the subjects we used to create ambiance.
The speed of time
November 8, 2015Some early photographs from my ‘Speed of time’ series, including ones that did not make it to the final edit. Final? It might be time for a photographers cut…
Empty office space (Lambertus Hortensiuslaan)
October 17, 2015Empty spaces, especially office spaces, attract me a lot. I had the chance to shoot this magnificent building because I knew the owner.
Fotoacademie portret medestudent
October 12, 2015‘Portrait of a fellow student’ Fotoacademie assignment. I shot Jeroen. The last photograph was rejected. I did not agree.