Altijd is Kortjakje ziek (Kortjakje is always ill) is a Dutch children’s song about a little strumpet who goes to church every sunday carrying a big book full of her sins committed that week while she was “ill” (ie lying in bed horizontally). I was inspired by a previous photo of a woman walking towards a church to make a little series about this song. Because it is still a children’s song I wanted the series to have a positive maybe even dreamlike quality and not be too direct about the profession of the subject. Children should be able to innocently like the photographs as much as the song. To grownups it should be clear what she does during the week.
Patty was kind enough to model early on a sunday morning while the sun came up and shone through the streets of my hometown Naarden. Pedro lended me a beautiful 18th century bible to act as the book Kortjakje brings with her to church. Thank you both so much for helping out!
At the end is an alternative take on the series, which do you think is best?

Alternative take on altijd is Kortjakje ziek:

This is very, very interesting. I find I prefer the slightly darker alternative series of photographs, but then I’ve always liked the combination of black and white and backlight.
Interesting you should mention it, I did not even notice the alternative is predominantly backlit, and the initial series (the one presented at the exam, because it told the story better) is frontlit. Weird. I find I prefer the alternative myself as well.
Beste Joeri,
Dit is niet zozeer een melding, maar een vraag;
Voor de regionale omroep RTV Drenthe ben ik bezig met een serie over kinderliedjes en de oorsprong daarvan. Eén aflevering gaat over “Altijd is Kortjakje ziek”. Graag zou ik jouw foto serie over dit kinderliedje willen gebruiken, met vermelding van de rechten.
Hopende op een positief antwoord, verblijf ik
met vriendelijke groet,
Willem Hully